Liblazy - D-Bus methods provided for convenience
I finally found some time to release liblazy to the public. I'm already using it in several smaller applications and the KDE kickoff menu links against it in openSUSE 10.2, so it's some kind of public, but there hasn't been a place where you can download tarballs or to get further information. Starting from today, it is hosted on freedesktop and has a wiki page.
So what's liblazy all about? Liblazy is a simple and easy to use library that provides convenient functions for sending messages over the D-Bus daemon, querying information from HAL or asking PolicyKit for a privilege. Its features may grow as needed, though.
Once in a while, I stumble across an application which has no proper D-Bus support and gathers some information through reading /proc or sysfs, or any other circumstantial way, although software like HAL or PolicyKit already have this information. Or they just want to send a simple message to another application, sometimes even without caring about the reply. These applications often only have to do very simple tasks.
So to adopt these applications, you always have to duplicate lots of code over and over again.
Just some examples…
To to send a message over D-Bus one has to do:
- Get a D-Bus connection
- Check for errors
- Send a message over the bus
- Check for errors
- Get the reply
- Check for errors
To get a simple property from HAL, one has to do (with libhal in this example):
- Get a D-Bus connection
- Check for errors
- Get a LibHalContext
- C.f.e.
- Register the connection with the context
- C.f.e.
- Fetch the property with libhal
- C.f.e
When you have to check if your application possess a specific privilege according to PolicyKit:
- Either do a mixture of the above things to ask directly via D-Bus or link against libpolkit and do a complicated call of libpolkitisuidallowedforprivilege(7 arguments follow). This call gives you a lot of information you might not care about at all.
So in every application, you have to implement functions like:
- dbussendmessage(service, path, interface, method);
- dbussendmessagewithreply(service, path, interface, method, &reply);
- halgetpropertyint(udi, property)
- …
There are a lot of applications which just don't want to care too much about D-Bus or HAL at all. I'm mostly talking about small applications, of course, even about those without a mainloop. They just want to make use of hardware databases and abstractions and a new way of inter process communication we have with D-Bus these days.
So what I've done is combining these very simple functions into one small library called liblazy. A small application may just want to do the following to send a message over the bus and get its reply, maybe even with ignoring any errors:
DBusMessage *reply; liblazydbussystemsendmethodcall("org.freedesktop.NetworkworkManager", "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager", "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager", "sleep", &reply, DBUSTYPEINVALID);
int *argfromreply; liblazydbusmessagegetarg(reply, DBUSTYPEINT32, &argfromreply, 0);
That's it. The application developer just has to link against libdbus and liblazy, without caring about any other stuff.
Liblazy also contains very simple functions to get a property from HAL or ask for a privilege from PolicyKit. But it doesn't contain complex functionality. It may grow as needed, though. But…
It is definitely not intended for replacing any of the dbus bindings, libhal or libpolkit. Complex applications can and will still have their own implementations and will link agains libhal or libpolkit or whatever. They are free to use liblazy, of course. But it is definitely of benefit for small applications which only need a subset of functionality and like to profit from new software like D-Bus, HAL, etc. but without having to care a lot. It should serve as a set of functions for developers provided for convenience. Also a lot more command line applications could make use of HAL, etc. in an easy way IMO. Additionally, it may serve as a code example for developers to get familiar with D-Bus.
Most likely, my next blog post will contain something about dockutils, a framework for getting docking station support for as many notebooks as possible. But read more next time…
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