Package Updates (Powersave, QNotify, Update KTray)
Powersave Daemon
I finally managed to release a new version of the powersave daemon, 0.15.20. This is a plain bugfix release. We're some kind of feature complete, so I doubt that there will be anything else than bugfix releases in the future ;-) Sourceforge has the files.
After almost 2 years of QNotify hacking abstinence, I finally managed to do what was on my TODO for so long. I removed the qnotifyd daemon which blew my machine with 100% CPU usage from time to time. Now the qnotify command line client manages multiple notification widget on the desktop on its own, by using a simple file locking mechanism. The outcome is qnotify-0.6. Again, Sourceforge is your friend. For a really cool video about what QNotify actually can be used for, have a look at this video.
On a related note, does KDE4 actually have a companion piece to GNOME's notification daemon? Does it look cool? May be I've to check again myself… If not, may be I finally manage to get a grip on myself and try to integrate libQNotify's features into KDE4.
Update: KTray
And while we're at it, just hacked in a user request feature into KTray. I was suprised that someone is actually still using it. Yes, there are users out there who don't use KDE or GNOME, so they need ktray to use tray applications correctly. Sourceforge has version 0.2 which features:
- add cmd line option -r to use horizontal alignment
- add cmd line option -w to draw widget without borders
- add cmd line option -p to specify the window position
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