Publications and Talks
- Post-Mortem Memory Analysis of Cold-Booted Android Devices (talk)
Conference Paper, 8th International Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics (IMF 2014)
- Live Memory Forensics on Android with Volatility
Diploma Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- A Case Study in Open Source Patch Submission
Student Research Paper, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Smart Grid und Intelligentes Wohnen (talk) (both in German)
Seminar Paper, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Measuring Power Consumption in the Light of EnergyStar
Whitepaper, Intel / SUSE
- Power Management: What's new in SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11
Customer Presentation at SUSE
- Power Consumption and Optimization of PCs (talk (German))
Seminar Paper, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Laptop 2.0: Neues bei Power Management, Wireless und Energy Star
LinuxTag 2008
- EnergyStar: Jump on the Bandwagon! (video)
- Power Management at SUSE
Linux Kernel Power Management Summit, Santa Clara, CA, USA
- Linux Power Management - One Step Ahead! (video)