Back from LinuxTag 2008
Came back from Linux Tag 2008 on saturday evening. It was a short, only two days lasting trip to Berlin, but nevertheless, just great! Had a lot of fun with my colleagues Timo Hoenig and Helmut Schaa giving a talk about laptop support in the upcoming openSUSE 11.0. It was a huge success. Great thanks goes to Martin Lasarsch for managing/moderating our talk. The quiz at the end giving away some USB sticks for correct answers has been just fun. It seems people are really listening to our laptops stories, or should we better not have told them at the beginning that there will be give-aways? ;-)
If you like to have a look at our achivement regarding fingerprint readers, suspend, power management and wireless, go have a look at the slides.
I think the improvements have never been so astonishing before! Actually, they even suprised myself when seeing the test results. Just some key facts:
Suspend to Disk
- LinuxTag 2007: 37.5 seconds
- LinuxTag 2008: 14.9 seconds
Pretty fast, I guess.
Idle power consumption on a battery powered Thinkpad T61
- openSUSE 10.3: 11.11 Watt
- openSUSE 11.0 RC1: 8.51 Watt
Pretty economical, I guess.
For more details, look here.
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