Inspired by a recent blog post, Gnote is now available in the openSUSE build service. If you have been using Tomboy and wouldn't miss any of its plugins (which are WIP), give it a try. The Mono to C++ conversion can be that easy:
- For Factory: $ zypper ar \
http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/hmacht/openSUSE_Factory/ \ home:hmacht
- For 11.1: $ zypper ar \
http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/hmacht/openSUSE_11.1/ \ home:hmacht
- $ zypper in gnote
- $ mkdir ~/.gnote && cp ~/.tomboy/*.note ~/.gnote/
- $ gnote
AFAICT, it's running quite well. Tomboy has been the only Mono application I was running, so 'zypper remove mono' removed a bunch of 42 packages.
Have fun, Holger
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